Llama Valentine Bouquet


Each Llama Valentine Balloon Bouquet comes with a 36” llama balloon, a red 18” heart, a white 18” heart, and a pink 18” heart, all inflated with helium and secured with a balloon weight.

Balloons are available to pick up at Play Date or for local delivery to Chaska, Chanhassen, Shakopee, or Waconia for a small fee.

Pickup at Play Date will be on Thursday, February 13th from 1-5pm and on Friday, February 14th from 10am-5pm.

If you would like local delivery to one of the mentioned cities, put your address in and delivery will be added to your order.

We cannot guarantee a time for delivery but it will be on Friday, February 14th between 9am-5pm.

If no one is home, we will call the number on the order form and let you know that the balloons will have to be picked up at another time.

Delivery charges are not refundable.

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